A certification in Microsoft Office will demonstrate your expertise in a specific Microsoft technology. This expertise can be used to gain all kinds of work-related or personal benefits. Also, the skills acquired will help you make your work much easier and streamlined.


  • Module 1: Text Basics
  • Module 2: Text Formatting and saving file
  • Module 3: Working with Objects
  • Module 4: Header & Footers
  • Module 5: Working with bullets and numbered lists
  • Module 6: Tables
  • Module 7: Styles and Content
  • Module 8: Merging Documents
  • Module 9: Sharing and Maintaining Document
  • Module 10: Proofing the document
  • Module 11: Printing


  • Module 1: Introduction to Excel
  • Module 2: Formatting excel work book
  • Module 3: Perform Calculations with Functions
  • Module 4: Sort and Filter Data with Excel
  • Module 5: Create Effective Charts to Present Data Visually
  • Module 6: Analyze Data Using PivotTables and Pivot Charts
  • Module 7: Protecting and Sharing the work book
  • Module 8: Use Macros to Automate Tasks
  • Module 9: Proofing and Printing


  • Module 1: Setting Up PowerPoint Environment
  • Module 2: Creating slides and applying themes
  • Module 3: Working with bullets and numbering
  • Module 4: Working with Objects
  • Module 5: Hyperlinks and Action Buttons
  • Module 6: Working With Movies and Sounds
  • Module 7: Using SmartArt and Tables
  • Module 8: Animation and Slide Transition
  • Module 9: Using slide Master
  • Module 10: Slide show option
  • Module 11: Proofing and Printing